My Advice for Newlywed Brides

So, you just got hitched? Congratulations! The biggest question you might ask yourself after all the parties, photos, and stress is over is what now?

There is a lot to think about now that you have the rest of forever with your partner, here are just a few friendly pieces of advice for every newlywed bride.

Take time for your marriage

While this might seem obvious, spending quality time together is vital to the overall health of the relationship. It may seem that you have so much time to spend together, anytime could be quality time, right?

Not necessarily. After a short time, it may start to seem that the newlywed excitement and passion is waning. Quality time spent conversing about true feelings, topics that are important to each of you, and your favorite part of your relationship, can help each of you remember why you got married in the first place.

Talk about finances

Money can be a difficult topic for some couples, some prefer to let one spouse work through the finances while some stick to their own independent accounts. Being open about where your money comes from and where it goes is liberating for you and your partner. 

Making a simple budget or even talking openly about future purchases or financial goals can take your love and trust to a deeper level.

Find ways to strengthen your relationship

Find activities that you both enjoy and that allow you to spend time away from work and other stressors. 

Seemingly simple activities like dating take on a whole new meaning after marriage. Go to restaurants and see movies that you enjoyed while falling in love. 

Enjoy big moments as well, vacation near and far and take time away from home to enjoy each other, grow closer, and build memories for your whole lives.

Clear communication, even when you’re angry

As in any relationship, just as there are highs, there will also be lows. Strengthening your relationship in ways mentioned earlier will better prepare you emotionally for times when difficult conversations arise.

One way you can stay on good terms with your partner is clear communication, learn to speak with your partner about your feelings to reach an understanding. Thinking before you speak and taking a deep breath are a few ways you can calm your anger and speak clearly.

Make an active effort to improve how you communicate with your partner, there are an infinite number of books and articles available to help both of you better understand each other on an emotional level.

A healthy relationship, no matter the weeks or years spent together, requires hard work from both of you. Marriage, in a beautiful way, is a journey you don’t have to take alone. You and your partner are with each other, side by side, enjoying every minute of your forever together.





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