Savanna Richardson Photography

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3 Tips for Using Pinterest to Plan Your Wedding

Growing up, the idea of marriage was a fuzzy one. Throughout elementary school (and I admit, even into my early adolescence), I fondly remember huddling heads with girlfriends on the school bus, while penciling in answers on crumpled notebook paper in order to curate my ideal life in the game of MASH. I knew I wanted to get married one day, but I tended to dwell on the long-term details rather than on the who. Silly me. So, later in life, once I set my priorities straight and found my “who” plus and impending wedding date, my creative soul found itself rejoicing but also scattered. Fortunately for me, Pinterest was there to save the day (and my sanity). Seriously, I owe so much of my seamless day to Pinterest’s unique way of organizing that I now find myself sharing its goodness with you. So follow along as I share three vital tips that will allow you to hone how you use Pinterest in order to simplify your wedding planning.

Tip #1 - Create One Board for All Things Wedding

To me, planning any event is similar to mapping out an essay (bare with me as I geek out here). The first step is figuring the overall message you want to convey to your audience (aka wedding theme/vibe), followed by breaking down your thoughts into more narrow sections (aka wedding sub-elements). This is key. To me, while planning my wedding, I found it helpful to “pin” all wedding-related things to one central board. This allowed me to view anything that caught my eye on one screen. Within that centralized board, I was able to analyze what elements from each pin caught my eye and see my personal style emerge. Once I had a more tailored idea of what I was looking for, I proceeded to create additional boards dedicated to subelements of my wedding (i.e. centerpieces, bridesmaids dresses, bouquets, invitations, etc.) that were more honed to my overall wedding theme.

Tip #2 - Use Specific Key Words to Search

Unlike other platforms, Pinterest focuses on the use of images rather than content and messages, which is great…but it also means you have billions of images to sift through! Overwhelmed much? Yeah, me too. This is where the importance of search bars comes into play. Once you have a more definitive idea of your wedding vision, type descriptive terminology into Pinterest’s search bar in order to locate specific pins tailored to your vision (i.e. If you know that your taste in wedding dresses leans toward the boho side, you could search “white lace bell-sleeved boho wedding dress” rather than “boho wedding dress”). This will eliminate hours of combing through non-applicable images presented when using less descriptors. In this case, the more wordy you are, the better.

Tip #3 - Share Your Board

Overwhelmed with wedding choices and needing some swaying influence? Reason number 12346790973 why Pinterest is a thing of beauty. While planning my wedding, in order to keep planning discreet and to prevent the bombarding of outside opinions, I chose to keep all wedding-related boards private. I did love having the option to share my boards with those of my choosing however. This allowed a select few to see my wedding vision, weigh in their opinions, add to my board, and assist in executing my vision on my wedding day.

If you are looking for ideas, check out my Pinterest boards to get inspiration for all your wedding needs. I have worked with some outstanding clients that have taken advantage of Pinterest and all it has to offer for their own weddings. Maybe you will find just the inspiration you have been searching for!



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