6 Tips for Light & Airy Photos in Any Setting

Giving photography tips can be difficult. Not only is photography subjective but the style and personality behind the camera really does make a huge difference. Here are a couple of tips that I have found create light and airy photos. These are hopefully cut and dry so anyone can apply them to their photography ventures. Check them out!

Natural light outdoor lighting scenarios

The best way to make your photos light and airy is to have your clients in well-lit scenarios. I prefer back-lit or open shade! Direct sun if possible, but I don’t think it’s as flattering on your subjects.

Direct sun

For this to be light and airy, you’ll need to have a light background. If you aren’t careful, the shadows can be quite dark and take away from the light and airy look you’re going for!

Back lit

The prettiest scenario! Shooting into the sun lights up the background and adds a beautiful glow to the environment and onto your subjects. Just make sure you don't shoot directly into the sun if you don't want sun flare or haze. These photos take a little bit of positioning with your clients but the results are well worth it!

Open shade

This means you’re in the shade of a building or tree and there’s no roof or branches above you. Your client is in shade and they have light bouncing back into their faces. I recommend bringing your clients to the edge of the shade so they have as much open light bouncing back in as possible. These photos are great for capturing detailed background and avoiding unwanted shadows.

Choose lighter backgrounds

It’s amazing how one change can make a mountain of difference in your photos. Take the color of a background. This simple choice can determine the underlying message of a photo. Even if the lighting on your subject is the same, the background color can drastically change the look and feel of your photo! Check out these examples. While you have much more control over the color of your background in the studio, there are still ways to choose lighter backgrounds in other photography settings. Lighting makes a big difference, right!

Lighter outfits

The final way to lighten your photos is to educate your clients on wearing lighter colored clothes! You can consult with your clients on what feel they want for their photos and recommend a wardrobe or simply suggest they bring both options. Light and airy photos are easier to capture when clients wear lighter colored outfits.





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