7 Ways to Spend More Time With Your Spouse

You live with your spouse, you sleep next to them all night, but how much of the time spent together is actually meaningful? There’s a difference between being next to someone and spending quality time with someone. I’m sure you know exactly how it feels to be phone snubbed by your spouse while out to dinner. Chances are, you’ve done it to them too! Today let’s talk about 7 ways to spend more quality time with your spouse to keep your marriage happy and strong. 

Connect during daily activities. One way to easily add quality time with your spouse to your busy schedule is to involve each other in things you have to do anyway or are already doing. The key is to turn off phones, TV’s and computers during this time. 

  1. Make a meal together. Instead of watching reruns of The Office while preparing food, leave the TV off and ask your spouse to help chop some veggies. While chopping together, you could chat about your days or what your plans are for the evening. Not only do you get some quality conversation, but dinner prep goes much faster!

  2. Exercise together. Who doesn’t want a gym buddy? Planning to hit the gym together will motivate you both to get up and go, plus you will be more aware of what your spouse’s goals are and how you can help them achieve their dreams. I know my husband always appreciates having a spotter and I like having someone to push my workout a little harder. 

  3. Commute together. It might be a little out of your way to drop off your husband or wife at work, but not only will you save the environment, you’ll save your marriage too! Use this time to listen to an audio book that you’re both interested in. This will give you more to talk about while preparing dinner together! If you work from home and your spouse doesn’t, try meeting them for lunch once a week. My husband always looks forward to our weekly lunch dates. 

Enjoy hobbies together. Whether you are trying something new or supporting an old hobby, recreational time together is so important to de-stress and connect. 

4. Show interest in your spouse’s hobbies. If your husband or wife played sports in high school, find a local league for them to join and then be their cheerleader at every game. If your spouse likes to play video games, ask if there are any that you might be interested in joining. If not, sit next to them with a book while they play, just to be together. Knowing that your spouse recognizes your interests and supports you is key in building a strong relationship. 

5. Find something new to do together. Look in your community for couples dance classes, axe throwing or a bowling league. Take tennis lessons or an art class. Finding something you enjoy doing together will lead to a lifetime of fun with your best friend. 

Plan date nights. Setting aside specific time to spend together is so important in our busy world. Do whatever you can to make sure this time doesn’t get interrupted; hire a babysitter, turn off your phones, and plan your budget to make sure nothing gets in your way. 

6. Set aside special nights at home together. Take an evening walk, roast s'mores in your backyard, or paint pictures together. Eat dinner by candlelight and watch a romantic movie. It might be fun to take turns planning your at home date nights and see how creative you can be. 

7. Hit the town. Your date night could be as casual as strolling the aisles at Target or as formal as a “second chance prom”. Keep your eyes and ears out for activities going on in your community that might interest you or your spouse. During the winter, set a goal to visit every Mexican restaurant in your town, and visit every park with swings during the summer. 

What ends up being most important, is that you cherish the time you have with your spouse. If you realize how important it is, you and your spouse will both feel appreciated and loved. Spending quality time together will bring you closer as a couple and keep those happy feelings coming!

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