Do's and Don'ts - Wedding Week Beauty Routine

You’re here! You’ve made it! You have reached the single-digit countdown until you exchange “I Do’s!” It’s your time to shine, and to celebrate, you may have even booked a few splurge-worthy spa treatments. You deserve them and more…I hate to draw from the excitement and from your spending rampage, but there are some important do’s and don’ts to adhere to the week of your wedding. So listen closely before you make a mistake that your wallet and your complexion will resent you for.

Let’s chat skincare. Skin is amazing! It’s a unique to you, self-repairing barrier to your body that is capable of amazing things! That being said, it’s a finicky thing, and on your wedding day, when the spotlight is focused on you, you will want your skin to be in tip-top, photo-ready shape. Lucky for you, I have a few tips in my tool belt that will help pave the way towards that glowy bridal complexion you have always craved. First item of business, hydrate! If you have trouble intaking the daily recommended amount of water, add ice and/or a spritz of lemon or lime to make the dosage more enticing and attainable. Drinking enough water will aid your body in flushing out toxins and will increase blood flow to even out your skin tone. Both of these things need to happen in order to attain your goal of a healthy complexion. Another note of equal importance, do not begin using any new products or treatments on your face the week of your wedding. Read that last sentence again, commit it to memory, and make a solemn oath to adhere to that guideline. When starting any new product, it’s hard to predict whether it will cause your skin to break out or react adversely in some way. It’s important to keep your routine the same so that you can put your best face forward (literally). The next item of business is to address your building stress. Yes, I realize that the day you have been working toward for months is quickly approaching, but stress has the tendency to wreck havoc on your body, often times revealing itself via your complexion. So, remember to take deep breaths, get ample amounts of sleep, and exercise.

Now that you have a game plan that will keep your pores in order, let’s talk hair. The week of your wedding is intended for tweaking your beauty routine, not for making drastic changes. So, if you are part of the colored-hair gang, this is your week for root touchups, not an all over color. Dealing with a dye job gone awry or impulsive hair chop is undue stress that nobody wants to deal with, especially on the week of their wedding. Speaking of hair, let’s talk unwanted locks. Very few of us are blessed with perfectly shaped brow or a hairless upper lip, and it’s no secret that the hair we love least is the hair that resurfaces the fastest. So, 5-6 days before you walk down the isle is the perfect opportunity to visit your favorite salon for a quick wax. This time frame will allow for any resulting inflammation or redness to subside while allowing you to put forth a smooth face for your wedding day makeup.

The last part is the fun part - It’s time for a well-deserved pampering! The week of your wedding is the perfect opportunity for that mani-pedi appointment you have been looking forward to. It’s time to part with those calluses and say hello to soft and supple hands and feet. After all, in addition to snapping photos of you and your handsome new husband, your photographer will likely take detailed shots of your ring! So, lotion those hands and make sure your nails are polished to perfection (I recommend using a lasting polish like gel, so your nails are not at risk for chipping). And for the grand finale and the last component to your polished look - a spray tan. A fresh tan is the perfect contrast to a white bridal gown. Opt for a shade close to your own and have it done two days before your wedding day (the optimal amount of time to allow for fading) to make it look as natural and glowy as possible. Boy, oh boy, you will be such a stunning bride.





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