How to Communicate with Your Fiancé During Wedding Planning

Anyone who has ever been in a relationship can tell you that communication is important. Without fundamental communication skills, every relationship gets that much harder. Luckily, by the time couples are engaged they have usually have an idea of what communication skills they share and where they need a little work. This brings us to how to communicating with your fiance during wedding planning.


As your relationship grows, knowing how you both communicate becomes increasingly important. Who is the talker? Do you show your feeling rather than tell your partner about them? Does he give you everything you want without talking about it? Is one person interested in the details that go into each decision more than the other? If you don’t know the answer to these questions, take a communication style quiz together. The answers to these questions will help you when knowing what to expect during the wedding planning process. For example, a man who hates details is likely not going to change when it comes to planning the wedding. Luckily, there is something you can do regardless of how he communicates. Fill him in. He may not like being a part of the decision making process but tell him what is happening anyway. Or if he loves all of the details, let him be a part of it! The moral of the story here is that communication styles don't change just because you are planning a wedding. Embrace this time to grow together and share this experience.


Learning how to talk about what is important to you is an essential skill. Sit down with your fiancé and discuss what you each expect on your wedding day. This will help guide you through a budget and help you discuss difficult topics like if you really want to invite crazy Uncle Sal. Talking about what you both expect will help you avoid unnecessary stress through the wedding planning process and hopefully increase the chances of your wedding day meeting or exceeding your expectations.


This tip can help you during your courtship, engagement and all the way through your marriage. If something has to get done or there is something important that needs to be discussed, take away any distractions. Now I am not saying that you can't flip through wedding magazines while watching your favorite TV show but I am saying when it comes to the things that matter most, turn off the TV. It is hard to focus when there are too many exterior distractions and when it comes to things that matter, focus is what your are aiming for.


You are getting married! You love each other! Remembering these two things will keep your head above water even when it feels like the details have become too heavy. Talk to your fiancé often about how you are feeling and check in with them if they seem bogged down. This should be an exciting time in your life where the details bring you together, not pull you apart.

Your wedding day is not the end all of your relationship. Planning your wedding is just another step that you get to grow together. It can be a stressful time but remember, communication is key!





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