Wedding Traditions – The Daddy/Daughter Dance


One of the most popular wedding traditions is the daddy/daughter dance where the bride and her father share a moment on the most important night of her life. There are many variations and options for you to choose from, but today I’m here to share some tips for how to make this dance as unique as your relationship with your dad!

Music Tips

  • Coordinate with the DJ. Do you want to dance the entire 3 minutes of a song or would you rather the music fade out at 60 seconds? Let your DJ know ahead of time so they’re able to execute your dance how you want!

Visual Tips

  • Tame the train. If you have a long train or veil, have a plan to keep it out of the way so you don’t get tangled or trip during your special dance. There are loads of videos on Youtube on how to bustle your dress to keep it out of the way!

  • Just keep moving. Even if you’re more comfortable doing a simple sway with your dad, make sure you’re rotating so your friends and family are seeing more than just your backsides. 

Dance Tips

  • Make it about you! What relationship do you want to celebrate during this dance? Is it with your own father, or do you have another father-figure in your life with whom you’d love to share a special moment? Perhaps for you, the traditional father/daughter dance looks a bit different, and that’s alright. Choose a father-figure you would like to recognize who’s played an important role in your life, and center your dance around that unique relationship.

  • What do you want your loved ones to feel? Do you want the feeling of your special moment to be funny, intimate, touching? Choose what you want the overall experience to be and let that emotion guide you when choosing the type of dance and song you use!

  • Share the memories. Another unique take on the father daughter dance is sharing the memories you two have from your childhood. Do you have videos or pictures of you and your dad together, dancing or doing other activities? Make a personalized slideshow to share during the dance so you and your audience can talk a walk, or two-step, down memory lane together!

Whatever you and your father decide to do for your daddy/daughter dance, just make sure you enjoy the moment together on your special day! This is a momentous day for him as well; he’s letting go of his baby girl as you create a new life for yourself. Savor your special moment together and have fun making this new memory together!

Clarity Lane Photography captures a darling photo of a father smiling at her daughter on her wedding day during the daddy-daughter dance in Utah Valley. father of the bride blue suit island floral crown dancing pic #claritylanephotography #clarityla…
In Salt Lake City a father and daughter have a good time doing a rehearsed funny Napoleon dynamite dance by Clarity Lane Photography. funny father-daughter dance Napoleon Dynamite dance #claritylanephotography #claritylaneweddings #slcweddingphotogr…
Clarity Lane Photography of the Utah County area captures a bride and her father getting down on the dance floor at a sophisticated venue. black brides mermaid wedding gown Provo wedding photographer classy wedding dance #claritylanephotography #cla…




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