Stimpson Anniversary | Provo City Courthouse

This couple has a very special place in my heart and not just because Mandilyn is my sister. To start, Mandilyn and Brian were made for each other. They have a love story that proves persistence is key and that love has no limits! Their story together began when both of their families lived in Colorado when Mandilyn and Brian were in college. When school dismissed for the summer, they both returned home to be with family and were introduced at church. Summer romance ensued with lots of afternoon hangouts and game nights with yours truly as the chaperone. Unfortunately, the summer days were too short and they knew fall meant they both were headed back to school in different states. They remained friends but dating seemed untimely.

Fast forward 5 years and my sister Mandilyn was living in Utah after graduating and Brian was in Texas finishing his masters. Brian visited Utah for a week to see family. You see, both sets of parents had since moved from Colorado to Utah and he couldn't think of a better time to reach out to her. It’d been years since they last spoke but he thought "why not try!?"

Their first date was out to get ice cream and it was of the rocky road variety. She was not impressed! He was late, conversation was awkward, and she was ready to go home before it even started. Thankfully, his persistence paid off and he convinced her to give him another chance.

Months later, Mandilyn visited family in Texas and Brian drove hours to visit her just for another chance to take her on a date. The time between encounters allowed for months of chatting and was good for them. Sparks were finally flying! They started long distance dating and tied the knot right before Valentines day at the Provo City Center temple.

I was thrilled to photograph them for their Anniversary on the very steps where they sealed the deal. You couldn’t even tell is was only about 20 degrees outside. They live far away from those kind of temperatures in Texas now and have two of the sweetest little boys. I love when they visit and I will take any excuse to visit them too!





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