How Wedding Photographers Can Prepare for Their Client's Big Day

As a full-time wedding photographer, I take my job seriously. I aim to be professional for my client and myself, as I value this career and business I’ve built. One way that I stay professional is by properly preparing for each client’s wedding day.

It’s not my “big day”, per se, but each client is so important to me that I put a great deal of planning and preparation into making sure that I’m ready for the event. It’s more than just blocking off that day on my schedule. Here are a few of the ways I make sure I bring my A-game to ensure a smooth wedding day on my part for my brides.

Think of Myself First

This sounds like a selfish thing, but it’s actually my most important rule. Remember on an airplane how the flight attendants ask parents to put their own mask on before assisting their kids, should the cabin lose pressure? That’s because if mama can’t breathe, then ain’t nobody gonna be breathing. Would you expect a three-year-old to understand how to swim or follow instructions on their own?

If the photographer goes down, it could be a disaster. With this rule in mind, I always make sure I have my own bases covered. At the very least, I’m bringing sunscreen, water bottles, rain ponchos, and snacks for myself, and if I have space or time for extra considerations, I might pack extra things for others, like tissues, Tide To-Go pens, or extra water and food.

Prepare for the Unexpected

I’m not a risk-taker when it comes to delivering for my clients, so I don’t take chances. I’ve got extra of all my gear and equipment to ward against potential disasters like running out of memory cards, leaving something behind, or even unexpected emotion as the mother of the bride hugs her baby girl after her wedding (gets me every time!). After each wedding, make a list of the things you wish you had so that you’ll be that much more prepared for the next one.

Bring the Good Vibes

Your client’s wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day of their life — don’t bring them down off cloud nine with a sour attitude! I consider it my job to be my best self the ENTIRE day, regardless of what happens. I aim to be the shining light the bride can always look to when she’s picking up on contention between family members, or the source of answers for a groom who’s not sure where he should be going next.

I set myself up for a good wedding day by getting up early (or preparing the night before if it’s an early start) to fill my belly with healthy food, fill my mind with positivity through meditation, prayer, or personal study, and dressing my body comfortably for a high-energy, physically-demanding workday. I like to organize myself in advance so that in the spare moments between big moments of the wedding day, I’m able to take a breather and go to the bathroom or document some behind-the-scenes moments for social media, rather than sprint around to get to my next shot.

I hope fellow wedding photographers find this list helpful and inspiring as they prepare for their own wedding days!





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